Maui's Truly Private Scuba and Snorkel Experience
Destination Diving and Snorkel
Maui Shore Diving
Guided Scuba Dives
Want to dive off of Maui's beautiful beaches while avoiding large groups and crowded dive sites? You've come to the right place!
I provide a private, truly personalized dive experience that caters to your party's needs and experience level. We will choose from a number of dive sites based on optimal weather and water conditions for an exciting yet relaxing dive.
Includes all gear, weights, tanks and HI G.E.T. tax
All pricing is a flat rate with NO HIDDEN FEES!
Gratuity not included
Single Diver:
1 tank: $175
2 tank dive at the same location: $225
2 tank dive at different locations: $250
Two or More Divers:
1 tank dive: $150
2 tank dive at the same location: $175
2 tank dive at different locations: $200
Night Dive
Single Diver:
1 tank: $200
Each additional tank: $50
Two or More Divers:
1 tank dive: $175
Each additional tank: $50
*Dive lights available for rent
Discover Scuba Diving
Never been diving? No problem! Let's get your "feet wet" with my Discover Scuba Diving Program! I'll teach you the basics and take you on an introductory dive up to 40 feet so you too can swim with the fishes and turtles, and rays and...
sharks, and eels and...
octopuses, and frogfish and...
crabs, and lobsters and...
shrimps, and...
Single Diver:
Intro course and 1 tank: $200
Each additional tank: $50
2 or more Divers:
Into course and 1 tank: $175
Each additional tank: $50
Related Services:
PADI Refresher Course
Are you a certified diver who's skills might be a little rusty? Been a year or more since you've been diving? Might I suggest taking the PADI Refresher Course?...This quick refresher course is perfect for those who have been through the gauntlet of Open Water training, but are in need of a little freshening up on skills and equipment use.
Just $50 more with Dive Booking
Learn more about my PADI Refresher Course