Maui's Truly Private Scuba and Snorkel Experience
Destination Diving and Snorkel
Private Boat Scuba Diving
Are you chartering a boat with no scuba guide, but you REALLY want to dive? Have a boat but need a scuba guide familiar with the local sites and endemic wildlife? Well look no further!...
I am available for hire as your own personal scuba instructor and guide on your private boat charter for Maui and Lanai dive sites. Having crewed and instructed on the busiest dive boats out of Lahaina Harbor, I can assure you a safe, fun and truly personalized experience. It's what I do best!
Pricing Includes all gear, weights, tanks and HI G.E.T. tax.
*All pricing is a flat rate with NO HIDDEN FEES!
*Gratuity not included
My rate: $25.00 per hour
1 tank dive: $100 p/p
Each additional tank: $75
Discover Scuba Diving
Never been diving? No problem! Let's get your "feet wet" with my Discover Scuba Diving Program! I'll teach you the basics and take you on an introductory dive up to 40 feet so you too can swim with the fishes and turtles, and rays, and sharks, and eels, and octopuses, and frogfish, and crabs, and lobsters, and shrimps, and...
Intro course and 1 tank: $150 p/p
Each additional tank: $75